Canada college system

Congratulations to Canada's College System on its 50th Anniversary

Canada’s college system will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year and to mark the occasion they will present a special interest feature on “College All Stars” November 21. Since graduating from St. Clair College in 1972 I have maintained my association with the college system, serving as chair of the Board of Governors of George Brown College, Canada's largest college, and co-chair of Vision 2000, where we developed the strategic framework for Ontario's colleges and universities for the new century. Our system has proven to be world class and a model for synchronizing education with current and future jobs, partnering with industry and governments, innovation and creativity and has produced incredibly successful graduates of influence, positively impacting every segment of society. I applaud Maclean's for recognizing the college system, and am humbled to be featured with such remarkable fellow alumni. So many of them have helped me throughout my career and I’ve been the honored to develop lifelong friendships—for which I’m truly grateful.

Photo: St. Clair College SportsPlex