
Thoughts After "A Time Of Bullies"

This is a beautiful piece of writing by Roger Cohen. Even though Cohen writes largely about being Jewish in the 21st century in the wake of the Holocaust, the underlying message is something we should all be able to appreciate. As he writes, “When societies leave many people feeling excluded, they grow volatile. Belonging is a fundamental human need.” This is a key point to remember about humanity and how we can relate to the concept of bullying. Everyone deserves the feeling of belonging, and throwing support behind dangerous ideas and disrespectful behaviors can undermine that feeling at its most vital level. It is a social responsibility for everyone to stand up against different kinds of bullies within their own lives, both on the macro-global level and in our day to day activities. Read the full piece at The New York Times.

Comparing Entertainment Scandals Through Time

The more I learn about the BBC sex abuse scandal, the more I am reminded of the 2014 CBC Jian Ghomeshi scandal, which I’ve written about before. Both cases involve sex abuse, fame and what appears to be willful ignorance on the part of upper management. The practice of allowing star employees are allowed to harass others with impunity is a horrible tendency that some workplace cultures seem to be taking on in the entertainment industry. The only true substantive difference between these two cases is the time in which they took place – Saville’s abuses happened decades ago, while Ghomeshi’s are more recent. This is an ongoing problem that entertainment industry leaders cannot ignore, and need to take a firmer stand against. Read more on the Saville case at the New York Times.

"The Impact of Workplace Bullying"

A staggering 80% of people feel they are in an “unhelpful or hostile work environment,” according to Mental Health America. I spoke with Rex Huppke at the Chicago Tribune about how pervasive workplace bullying is, and how it is often an ingrained part of company culture itself. The only way to get employees to trust their HR departments enough to share their experiences is to create trustworthy corporate cultures. Read the full piece here.